Andrew has been actively involved in more than 50 EPO oppositions and appeals since he started at Dehns. He has therefore handled many offensive and defensive oppositions and appeals. A large proportion of his oppositions have been in the highly contentious field of personal care articles, although Andrew also handles opposition and appeal proceedings in other fields of technology, such as gas turbine engines, printing apparatus and high-end technologies. Andrew is also a representative before the Unified Patent Court.
Andrew regularly advises on infringement and validity matters. He recently worked as part of a multi-national team of attorneys to successfully litigate a number of his client’s patents, defend his client against counter-litigation and also to attack the validity of the patents (in national proceedings) on which the counter-litigation was based. Andrew is therefore well versed at liaising with in-house counsel as well as directly with technical teams and foreign attorneys so as to get to the bottom of complex technical and legal issues.
The Brinell Building
30 Station Street
United Kingdom